Monday, August 29, 2011

History of the traveling Spat

So, about three years ago there was a group of ladies who all met on a Superpoke Pets (SPP) chat forum. We were brought together by the amazing Clare, and though our ranks grew over the years, there has always been a core of diehard Spats who have become the best friends you could every hope to have.

The Spatheads have come together and supported each other through rocky relationships, health problems, kids, school and so many other things. They have moved from SPP, to a private forum, to a FB group, and back again. But all along the way, they have been crazy and the most loyal friends you could have.

The first thing you need to know about the Spatheads is that they take nothing serious, including themselves. After all, how serious can you take yourself when your name comes from the Spatula City commercial in the movie UHF, featuring Weird Al Yankovic? When we get together in person, we are loud and obnoxious, and we get funny looks from people. But not a one of us would trade these friendships for the world!

Two of the Spats met for coffee one day, and the gift of a second hand spatula from Goodwill was brought to the meeting. The idea of a spatula that could travel around from Spat to Spat was devised, and there was a poll and much disagreement on the name. It was then decided that the Spatman/woman that was being create would be named by each Spat that it visited. It would also be clothed by said Spat, like a paper doll.

This, is the story of our little flat spat friend, and the adventures that it has with the Spats across the land...